Monday, February 3, 2014

Research Paper Draft

Over the snow days I worked on my research paper. My research paper was decent overall. I feel confident of my introduction and I did a good job of using all the points I put in my thesis in the body of the paper. The easiest part of the paper was writing the introduction because I already had my thesis done. Placing all the information down on the paper and organizing the paragraphs was also fairly easy because I already had the sections mapped out on my detailed outline.

The hardest part about writing my draft was the length requirement. Once I had placed all my important information in my paper I still had two more pages to write. I discussed my topic with one of my friends and she suggest to look up how the one-child policy affects kids' personalities. I found a lot of information about how it affects personalities and added that to my research paper draft. I am unsure if i cited correctly with the commas and periods on a few of my sources. I tried looking over the powerpoint on quoting but i couldn't find the quoting rules that I was looking for, even though I remember talking about them. I'm concerned with my conclusion and if I connected the paragraphs together and related them back to the thesis without being extremely repetitive. I would like help changing the fluency between paragraphs and the punctuation of my citing portion of my paraphrases and quotes. When Dr. D reads my draft I would like her to focus her feedback on how the my paragraphs connect to the thesis and each other. 


  1. Hey Amanda,

    I basically wrote the same reflection. I felt like the introduction was the easiest because you could give a brief overview and relate to your thesis. I agree the length requirement was touch; however, I think that was because thats all the students worried about. I tried to focus on the paper and then worry about the length when I was done. I bet your paper is great. Let me know if you want my student feedback.

    Your friend,

  2. Hi Amanda,

    I felt the same way with my paper, especially my introduction and conclusion.


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